Datacenter United Green IT initiatives and innovation

November 2022 – Datacenter United signs its membership at the Belgian Institute for Sustinable IT

November 2022 – Datacenter United signs its membership at the Belgian Institute for Sustinable IT

We are on a daily basis actively improving our efficiency and highly value sustainability. Since many years strategic decisions are driven by the ecosystem of Green IT initiatives and innovation.
As a result, sustainability is in our DNA, it's not a goal in itself it's a way of thinking and acting!

We actively support a number of green initiatives and we are proud to have recently joined the Chart of the @Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT asbl/vz.

Our green data centers fit perfectly into the vision of the Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT for a more sustainable future for all IT products and services. We have and continue to rethink our digital roadmap to create the conditions for a digital strategy that is sustainable for the planet and beneficial to all.

We are firm believer that Sustainable IT Charter is a first step towards a more virtuous digital world. Signing the Sustainable IT charter we commit to do everything possible to continue our Sustainable IT approach and join a network of organisations that are pioneers in change.

 “We respect the planet and are committed to reducing our environmental footprint by strengthening our business approach with sustainable IT”

Find out more about the Sustainable IT charter here.

Want to know more about our sustainable plan and goals? Or how we can help to support your datacenter strategy and core business? Feel free to contact us!